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Image by Stephen Frank

paramedical tattooing


3D areola realism.

This is an option for people who have undergone any type of breast surgery and have lost their areola or nipple. Whether it be from breast cancer or gender affirming surgery. I can even help the appearance of a pre-existing areola if you would like them bigger or change color. A consultation is required where we go over cost and aftercare. Every case is different as some patients may be able to bill through insurance. 

3D belly button realism.

This is an option for those who may have had a tummy tuck and lost the appearance of a belly button. A consultation is required where we go over cost and aftercare. Every case is different as some patients may be able to bill through insurance. 


scar and stretch mark inkless rejuvenation.

There are multiple different treatments we can take with scar and stretch mark care. I can do inkless, or use ink to cover the scar/ stretch mark. A consultation is required where we go over cost and aftercare. If we decide to implant ink, we will have to do a color matching appointment, which will be explained more in the consultation. 

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